Neuroscience and positive psychology tells us that happiness is a SKILL – and like any skill, it’s something we can boost and build with practice. Think of your brain as a muscle that can be sculpted and trained with intentional work and exercises. Affirmations are basically a form of mental training. Every time you repeat an affirmation, it’s like completing a rep. One way to create more happiness in your life, and to enhance your emotional well-being, is to work with affirmations specific to generating happiness from within. Just remember that consistency is KEY! Physical transformation takes dedication. You don’t go to the gym once and expect instant results. It’s the same thing with mental and emotional transformation! Give it time, consistency, and you WILL see the results you’re after.
Daily Affirmations for Happiness:
Life is an amazing gift. I deserve to be happy. I choose to be happy. I am grateful to be alive. This moment, feels like a fresh start. I am ready for a new experience now. I am ready to see life through a colorful lens. I invite joy back into my life! I am ready to fall head over heels in love with my life. I have all of the energy and motivation I need to stop this cycle right in its tracks. This downward spiral stops right now. Every day is getting easier and easier. Every day I feel a little bit lighter and a tiny bit brighter. I find reasons to smile. Laughter is becoming effortless again. I notice things and places and people to love, even if it’s just for a fleeting moment. I invite positive emotions to exist in my mind and anchor in my heart. It feels good to feel good. I deserve to feel this way – I deserve to feel good. I embrace play. I release every thought that doesn’t contribute to my happiness or my wellbeing. I release relationships, memories, and beliefs that don’t contribute to my happiness. I deserve to be happy. I have the strength and the willpower to elevate my state starting now. I begin to remove this heavy coat that no longer fits. I am the master of my mood and every day I gain more strength, more motivation. This phase of my life has served its purpose. I am thankful for it showing up, adding depth and contrast to my life story. I choose to grow, evolve and move on. There are better and brighter days ahead. There is a light at the end of the tunnel – a finish line that I can see now. The energy of hope takes over me. I feel fully alive again. Just thinking of this excites me. My spark is returning. I will look back one day and see how this chapter of my life came to a close. Life is a beautiful gift. I am grateful to be alive. I deserve to be happy. I AM happy.