A lot of you have asked for birth affirmations, so here ya are, mama. These soothing affirmations are here to help you find courage and reassurance before going into delivery. Just sit back, relax, and press play.
BIRTH / PRE-LABOR Affirmations for Expectant Mamas:
I am relaxed, I am safe, and I am calm. I trust this process, and I trust my instincts. My body was made to deliver a child, and I will do it easily. I am a strong, fearless, capable woman. I am healthy and my baby is healthy. My body knows exactly what to do. I am in a state of ease and surrender. I find comfort in my breath and the glorious, natural rhythms of childbirth. I am a force of nature. Women all over the world, birth babies every day. I can do this, too. I am courageous, I am brave, I am powerful and in control. I can breathe through anything. My baby and I are working together, and we make the best team. I am so ready to embrace motherhood, and this miraculous, life changing experience. I have done, and I am doing, an amazing job. I am supported. I am loved. And I am filled with so much love. I am prepared for whatever kind of birth my baby needs. My body knows what to do. My baby knows what to do. I breathe in power, and I exhale fear. All of the strength and energy I need is inside of me. I am flexible, and I am patient. I have all of the stamina I need. I am so proud of myself. I got this. Any pain is temporary, and so worth the lifetime of love and joy that’s about to begin.
Complementary episodes: