Whether you are just considering your life purpose for the first time, or you’re ready to redefine it, using affirmations can help you gain the clarity and inspiration your soul is seeking. Affirmations can help replace your doubt and anxiety with certainty and confidence; they can help you get out of autopilot mode and into conscious living, captain-of-your-own-damn-ship mode. Listen to this episode every morning when you first wake up and every evening before bed until something inside clicks… AND IT WILL. Be consistent, trust the process, and get ready to feel more on track + aligned than ever before.
DAILY Affirmations for Life Purpose:
I am committed to discovering and living out my life’s true purpose. I am so excited to wake up each morning, confident in knowing why I am here on this planet. And so, I listen to- and I trust- my inner voice. My intuition and my soul will always point me in the right direction, I just have to take the time to listen. So I am tuning in now. I am open to trying new activities that will help reveal my life purpose to me. I am ready to be true to myself. Deep down, I know what my purpose is, because it’s something that I was born with. It’s always been there. I can access it now. I am important. I have special, specific contributions to make. I matter. As I grow more connected to myself and my soul, my life’s purpose becomes more and more clear. I have clarity. I am energized. I am joyful. I am fulfilled, and I am so content as my life becomes more and more in alignment with my higher purpose. I am grateful for all of the divine information and inspiration that’s its way to me now. I receive messages and guidance with appreciation, and a readiness to act fast. I am eager. I am ready. I am open. I am aligned.
Boost your affirmation practice with these complimentary episodes: