Everyone grows up with beliefs about money- how money is earned, who deserves it, how important it is, and what you should or shouldn’t do with it. Your family’s financial circumstances played a part in developing your perception of money. The country and culture you were raised in, influenced how you relate to money. Your parents’ level of financial literacy, and the beliefs they had about money, all played a role in the beliefs you developed about money.
“Money doesn’t grow on trees”
“There isn’t enough money to go around”
“People who have money are always stuck up”
“You can’t focus on being a good person and getting rich at the same time”
“We can’t do the things we want to do because we never have enough money”
“Money is the root of all evil, greed, and corruption”
“Good people try to do good, not get rich”
What you heard about money as a child, you have most likely, on a subconscious level, carried into adulthood. That’s how your baseline belief system is built! As children, we are highly impressionable. You’ve heard the term, “little sponges” right? Kids absorb everything! When things are repeated to us over and over by the adults in our life, well… those things tend to stick. Statements (like the ones above), are seeds planted in our mind. Over time, these seeds grow into deeply rooted beliefs. It’s not to say this is good or bad, it’s just how psychological development works!
Because your belief system is developed from childhood, it is a powerful force that underlies and influences every decision you make. I can’t reiterate enough- this is mostly a subconscious process! If it were obvious, we would all be millionaires living our best lives, wouldn’t we? But subconscious beliefs are not obvious; and so, many of us end up getting in our own way without even realizing it. We harbor self-limiting beliefs we aren’t even aware of, which leave us confused and frustrated when we don’t reach our goals.
TAKEAWAY:You aren’t going to MAKE BANK if deep down, you don’t believe you deserve it! If beneath the surface, you have fear, anxiety, resentment, or anger towards money. If you have a scarcity mindset.
If you want to reach your full financial potential, you have to CLEAR OUT all old, limiting beliefs. You need to develop a strong, money making mindset! One way we can do this, is with positive money affirmations.
An affirmation is a thought you consciously choose to think. Every thought needs to be in alignment with the results you want to see in your life, period! You aren’t going to have positive results or a positive life with a negative mindset.
Repeat these positive affirmations for money on a DAILY basis to manifest all of your financial goals and more!
Network Marketing Affirmations to MASTER YOUR MONEY MINDSET:
Money comes to me every hour of every day. I deserve this kind of success. I make bank doing what I love. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly. My income and my impact are growing every day. I release any negative stories I have had around money. I get to have lots and lots of money, and it is my right to enjoy it. I use money to improve the quality of my life and the lives of others. More money gives me more choices, and more opportunities and higher quality experiences to enjoy, and everything is right about that. I work smart, I work hard, and I trust the process. There are so many people out there who need what I have to offer! Whether that’s the amazing product I represent, or the opportunity to achieve financial freedom as a member of my team. There is an unlimited source of people to serve and therefore, an unlimited amount of money to make! I live with an abundance mindset at all times. My network and my net worth are both on the rise baby. I am always identifying opportunities for growth. Every day, I focus my energy on things that move the needle forward. I am my greatest asset. My team is strong, growing, and thriving. There is room for what we have in the market. My business improves lives and I am rewarded generously for it. I am on my grind and have results to show for it. My ideal customers are flooding in, and my sales are on FIRE. There are no limits to what I can achieve in this industry. My work ethic is unparalleled and my success is inevitable. I am constantly aligning myself with the thoughts, behaviors and habits that are necessary to achieve financial freedom. I am on my way, and I deserve every dollar that flows in. I am attracting it all. I am manifesting abundance and major success- for myself and every individual on my team. There is more than enough to go around. There is room for everyone to win. I have a money making mindset and it PAYS off. I am so deeply thankful for my company, my products, for my personal brand, and my unlimited network of people. My bank accounts are expanding every day. I know what to do with this kind of wealth. I am able to handle large amounts of money. I am reaching new audiences and new heights in my business. I am persistent and ready to excel. I practice gratitude daily and I visualize myself embodying the feelings of comfort, wealth, cash flow, abundance, success, recognition, and joy. A multi millionaire 100 times over lives inside me, and today that’s who is running the show.
Boost your affirmation practice with these complementary episodes on Affirmation Babe Podcast: