Couldn’t we all use an extra dose of lighthearted fun & play in our lives? Use these affirmations to fully embrace & enjoy your LIFE and your DAY!
Babes Just Want to Have Fun! Affirmations to Attract More Fun & Play Into Your Life
I am inviting more FUN, BLISS, and ADVENTURE into my life. Life is meant to be lived and celebrated! I treat every day as a special occasion – because it is. Every day I’m discovering new things that bring me joy. It’s easy for me to turn less than ideal circumstances into something enjoyable. I have a fantastic perspective on life. I treat each day as something magical – because this day will never happen again. So I relish in the beauty of the NOW. Today is worth celebrating! I make every day a holiday. I celebrate simply living. I am embracing childlike joy and encouraging myself to play more – to not take things so seriously. I am loosening up and getting a kick out of my day. Life gets to be what I want it to be. It gets to be what I make it. I create my own reality with my thoughts. My reality is a playground, it’s full of beauty, color, excitement, mystery, and quality choices. I get ONE life, and I’m making space for play, for fun, and for new, pleasurable experiences. I notice that I’m loving life even more as I become more present. I am noticing all of the tiny details in life and the simple pleasures there are in simply BEING and breathing. It feels good to be alive, to be present, and to be grounded in my body. There is so much to savor when I pay attention. The present moment is as spectacular as I choose to make it, and as miraculous as I choose to see it. I live in a safe, fun, kind world. I see what’s good, and my reality is so good. I rejoice in my CHOICE to go with the flow and just have fun! I am feeling lighter and brighter already. I am radiant, refreshed and glowing. I am embracing a wild, carefree, vibrant new side of myself – and it feels so refreshing and oh so right.