When you face your fears, they lose their power over you. There is nothing you cannot do, and I believe affirmations can help you get to where you want to be – to bust through any mental blocks and fears that are standing between you and all the good things you want and deserve in life! Read & listen to these affirmations daily for amplifying your innate bravery and courage, then listen anytime you need an extra boost of courage. I love you!
I am powerful, beautiful, radiant, and brave beyond measure. I am a living, breathing example of what it is to live brave. I can do hard things. I can do anything! Being brave is a choice. I choose to face my fears and to dare greatly. I take bold action in facing my fears, knowing that by facing them, they lose their power over me. I am willing to take risks! I gain more confidence with every challenge I overcome. I know that I can do anything – I trust in myself – I have the confidence in my ability to figure things out. I can handle anything. I have phenomenal skills for overcoming obstacles with tenacity and courage. I rise to the occasion and I thrive! I have the gumption and audacity to GO FOR IT. I honor and speak my truth. I boldly stand up for myself and my beliefs. I am unapologetic about who I am. When something is hard or scary, I do it anyway. I face fear with action. I welcome more opportunities to choose courage. I live a life of excitement and adventure. Staying safe keeps me small, and I wasn’t born to play small. I am HERE FOR the adventures, the challenges, and the opportunities to face my fears and grow! I was born brave. I was born ready. What I want in this life is already mine. My heart is full of courage, and I can access it anytime. I breathe in bravery and I exhale doubt! Being confident and brave is second nature to me. It feels good to lead a life of decisiveness and courage. I can do this. The bright, shining light of bravery glows within me.