Play this episode anytime you need a quick dose of soothing reassurance. These are affirmations you can refer back to whether you need a “pick me up” or a “calm me down.”
Healing Affirmations to Breathe In Inner Peace
I am at peace with myself and the world around me. I wish for the greatest good for myself and every human being. Everything that has happened- and happened to me in the past – I am allowing to stay in the past. The past has no grip or hold over me, because it no longer exists. I exist here in the present moment, and that makes me free. I am liberated, I am an empowered person. I am in complete control of myself and my life. I make peace with everything that is outside of my control. I am at peace with what I have experienced, because each thing has contributed to my unique journey and to my growth. It’s contributed to my evolution, my strength, and my character. I accept the lessons that my pain has offered me. I release my need to be right, and I give myself permission to heal – wholly and fully completely. I don’t chase and I release what is not meant for me. I allow myself to relax and flow WITH life. I free myself from stress, I free myself from expectations, from comparison and perfectionism. I feel so much lighter for doing this. I trust that everything happens for the highest good, and I am ok with not having all of the answers right now. I trust that everything in my life is unfolding perfectly, according to the greatest plan – even if I don’t know what that is right now. I trust. I surrender. I am grateful. I am at peace with change and I find courage in uncertainty. I am feeling more secure and more at ease now. I connect with the comforting silence of my soul, the stillness and the quietness within. I release any remaining challenges, I turn them over to higher power, and allow divine solutions to pour into my life. I am at peace, I am safe, content and well. All is well in my world.