It’s no secret that parenting can be stressful. These reassuring affirmations are here to serve as your daily support system, to assist you in navigating parenthood to the best of your ability. There is no such thing as “perfect” parenting, and these affirmations are here to give you the validation, grace, and compassion you SO deserve!
Making Parenting Easier Affirmations:
I am doing the best I can. My best is all that I can give, and it’s enough. Every choice I make for my child comes from love, and one day they will see that. There is no such thing as perfect parenting. No one right way to parent, no one magic formula. I am not the first or the last parent to struggle with this- so I offer myself grace and compassion right now. Nobody has it together all the time. I forgive myself for being harsh on myself. I take things one step, one day at a time, and release myself from the burden of unrealistic expectations. Every problem has a solution. I will find what works for MY child and MY family. Until then ,I won’t let stress get the best of me. I will find healthy outlets to release any frustration. When triggered, I will remain calm and composed, setting an example for my child. How I handle stress teaches my child how to handle stress. They are always watching and learning from me. Every problem that arises is an opportunity to grow as a family. Life isn’t perfect, the word isn’t perfect, and every stressful situation is my chance to lead by example. To set my child up for success in the real world by showing them how to handle road bumps and setbacks in a positive, constructive way. Parenthood is such a privilege. It’s a platform for my own personal growth and self development too. I choose not to sweat the small stuff. I trust my intuition and seek support when I need it. Most of all, I show up and give my best, and that’s what matters the most.
Boost your affirmation practice with these complimentary episodes: