Did you know that codependency is considered to be a learned behavior? And guess what? Any *learned behavior can become unlearned! You are fully capable of overriding old ways of operating and replacing self-defeating habits with self-serving ones. That’s where deep inner work – like affirmations – can be hugely helpful. This episode is intended to be a supplemental resource to your therapeutic process & self healing journey. Listen daily for expedited results.
Overcoming Codependency- Daily Affirmations:
I am a beautiful, radiant, GREAT person, who has so much to offer, so much to bring to the table, and so much love to give. I am deserving of healthy, fulfilling relationships, and I am willing to do the inner work that will help me thrive in them. Because for my relationships to be REAL, it requires my REAL, true self to show up. Not the “perfect” version of myself, not the version of myself that strives to make everyone else happy at the expense of my own needs and happiness. Not the version of myself that is people pleasing or approval hungry. Self-sacrifice is not sexy and it’s not sustainable. Overcoming codependency is a process, it’s a learning curve, but I am here for it. I am ready to fully love, embrace, and stand up for myself. I am ready to release any fears that keep me from having a voice. I am letting go of any beliefs that keep me feeling small or “less than,” or that keep me afraid of being myself. I am letting go of the thought that it’s selfish or uncomfortable to assert my needs. I deserve to have all of my needs taken seriously, honored and met. I am ready to speak my truth. I am ready to give myself as much compassion, understanding, and care as I give to other people. I am ready to set boundaries and create space and room in my relationships for me to breathe and for me to feel really good. Space that honors my individuality, my independence, and my freedom. I am valuable, and I remind myself of that truth every single day. ALL of my feelings, needs, and yes even my wants and desires, are so completely VALID. They don’t need to be justified. They already are. Even when it’s difficult, even when I experience inner resistance, I choose courage. I choose to be vulnerable, to express my true thoughts and feelings. I choose to have real conversations, sometimes hard conversations, necessary conversations. I can do it. I am doing it. I am brave. I am safe. I am moving towards the highest version of myself. I am unapologetic for who that is and for who I am – for who I’m not, and for what it is I need. I have standards, I have expectations, and I will not lower the bar on how I should be treated. Period. It is completely possible for me to be deeply loving, without being codependent. That is what I strive for, and that is the direction my life leads.
PS – if you want to boost your affirmation practice & create a powerful daily habit that will have you feeling better than ever before, you HAVE to try the Affirmation Babe You Can Have It All Journal. This journal is your new morning bestie! She’s here to help you use the power of affirmations to create a life you love, inside & out. It’s everything I personally wanted in a journal, so I got it custom made and designed.