Drift into a deep, sweet and sound slumber with the special affirmation episode meant to be listened to right before bed. Press play and prepare for a peaceful sleep as you lay your head down each night. Sleep tight and happy dreaming from your Affirmation Babe fam!
Night Time Positive Affirmations: Prepare Your Mind & Body for a Beautiful Night’s Sleep:
I am winding down now, releasing the day, feeling more and more relaxed with each passing moment. I am letting go of the events that happened today. Leaving the day, no matter what happened, whether it was the greatest day or the worst day, I am leaving it in the past. I am here NOW in the present. Tomorrow is a clean slate. I am settling in, feeling grounded and cozy. I am so grateful for what I learned today, and I choose to hold on to only the positive feelings. I am looking forward to an excellet day tomorrow. In the meantime, I rest. I am recharging now, allowing myself to rejuvenate. Taking long, slow, deep breaths in and out now, letting the day drift away. My body deserves this time to rest and rejuvenate. My body is already recalibrating. It feels good to take the time that my body and mind deserve. Serenity is enveloping my body now. It feels good to take this time for myself and to allow any mental noise to subside. I am shutting the door to the outside world. I am protecting my peace, and giving my body the gift of rejuvenating sleep tonight. My mind is feeling calm, at peace, and serene. I am content. I know that I matter matter. I am feeling well, I am feeling good. While I sleep, my body is healing, it is detoxifying. My brain is releasing stress and anxiety. While I sleep I have peaceful, beautiful dreams, and in my dreams I am attracting my desires, and I am always manifesting subconsciously even while I sleep. Right now I choose to visualize beautiful ideas and experiences so that I take that beauty into my dreams. Visualizing and taking deep breaths in and out now. I am gracefully descending into a sweet, deep slumber.
PS – if you want to boost your affirmation practice & create a powerful daily habit that will have you feeling better than ever before, you HAVE to try the Affirmation Babe You Can Have It All Journal. This journal is your new morning bestie! She’s here to help you use the power of affirmations to create a life you love, inside & out. It’s everything I personally wanted in a journal, so I got it custom made and designed.