Self love is the best kind of love! Use these affirmations to anchor yourself in self-love, so you can show up feeling whole and complete in all of your relationships… including the most important one! The one you have with yourself.
Self Love Affirmations:
I am choosing to love myself actively and unconditionally. I am making the conscious choice to be true to myself; to honor, accept, and respect myself.
It feels good to be me. I am finding so many reasons to love myself. I am finding it easier and easier to find things about me that I adore. It’s easy for me to be kind to myself. It’s easy for me to love me. I am worthy and I am enough just as I am.
It’s becoming more effortless to put myself first.
I treat my body well, and I respect myself. I deserve to invest time and energy into my wellbeing. When I feel good, I GLOW. When I love myself, it shows! I feel great when I give myself the love, care, and attention that I deserve. I take the time to pamper myself and focus on my self care. I enjoy being kind & loving to myself. It changes the way I carry myself and how I show up in the world. It’s fun, pleasurable, and infinitely good for me to love myself.
Self love isn’t selfish or wrong. It is vital. Loving the self is a necessity to thrive. Self love is essential and a natural part of me. I was born loving every ounce of myself; I was born fully confident, I believed I could do anything in the world simply because I was me. Each day I am getting back to that childlike state of complete awe and love for myself. It is instinctive for self love to live in me.
I hold in my mind happy, kind, loving thoughts towards and about myself. My happy thoughts create the world around me. My happy and loving thoughts shape my actions, my choices, and my experiences. My happy and loving thoughts heal and support my body. I am doing everything I can to block out anything that doesn’t come from love. I am deleting all things that chip away at my self esteem, this includes releasing relationships and friendships that are no longer supportive of my self love intentions. I am releasing limiting beliefs about myself and I am choosing to stand strong and allow myself to be exactly who I am. Anything that doesn’t come from a place of love I simply do not have time for, this includes everything outside of me as well as all that is within me. I reflect negativity and attract only positive, healing, self loving vibes.
I am the gatekeeper of my mind. What exists inside of me is real and honest love of the self. With each passing moment, my self love is rising.
Self love is the best kind of love. It’s created within me. It doesn’t rely on outside approval or outside circumstances. Self love is something that I generate. I am the CEO of my self love headquarters, and today the assignment Doing me, taking care of me, and loving every once of my existence.
PS – if you want to boost your affirmation practice & create a powerful daily habit that will have you feeling better than ever before, you HAVE to try the Affirmation Babe You Can Have It All Journal. This journal is your new morning bestie! She’s here to help you use the power of affirmations to create a life you love, inside & out. It’s everything I personally wanted in a journal, so I got it custom made and designed.