Are you Team Coffee or Team Tea? 🙋🏼‍♀️ Team Tea pour moi, but I do enjoy coffee sometimes. I’m not a daily coffee drinker, BUT when I decide I’m feelin’ coffee, I pack it full of fiber and add as many super powders as possible – AND I make it taste tasty AF.
This coffee creation will having you feeling so energized, glowing, sexy, and slim. There is a reason we call it Sexy Skinny Coffee; Let’s breakdown why and what’s in it:
Organic Coffee
Start with organic coffee. The good news is that coffee has antioxidant properties, but the not so good news is that coffee is the world’s #1 sprayed crop; meaning it has been exposed to LOADS of pesticides. (Coffee is also the #1 beverage in the US, so just think of how much pesticides Americans are consuming daily by drinking a reg cup of coffee). Organic coffee farmers use organic fertilizers (even using coffee pulp as a fertilizer, cool huh?) and pesticides, so with your cup of organic coffee you still receive the antioxidant benefits, none of them chemicals, and organic tastes better.
Since I don’t drink coffee daily, I make my coffee-makin’ very easy – The Keurig. So I like these pods + they contain Ashwagandha & other herbs. It’s a yes for me.
Jerusalem Artichoke; A powerful prebiotic fiber.
This is a modern day girl’s best friend. You can sprinkle this stuff on anything. It is tasteless and dissolves in liquids. If you are looking to add more fiber to your life, this is a super easy way to start + if you like your coffee black, Inulin won’t change the taste.
K, so why fiber?
Fiber is a plant nutrient that is essential to digestion. It helps with regularity (your poop sched), promotes weight loss, regulating blood sugar, cholesterol maintenance, AND simply put.. fiber is a life extender. The more fiber you consume, the longer you will live. Def check out all things fiber here.
A prebiotic fiber, like inulin, feeds the good bacteria in the gut – so it’s awesome to support your immune system (all that is created in the gut)!
K, be honest. Did you ever think coffee could be this healthy & fun?!
Again, remember Inulin has no taste, so you can add it to all types of liquids if you wish.
Last thing w/inulin. Start slowly – especially if your current diet doesn’t contain lots of fiber or you are prone to bloating. All this takes is 1 teaspoon (I like to add a few teaspoons, but you can build up to that).
Sex Dust
Yes, it’s as cool as it sounds. I love all things Moon Juice; seriously everything – from their products, to their branding, to their social media; I’m here for it all.
But let’s chat about why Sex Dust is so… well, sexy.
Sex Dust’s most powerful and provocative ingredient is Epimedium, aka Horny Goat Weed. No, I didn’t make that up. It’s actually a plant native to China, and it’s famous for supporting a low libido.
There are TONS of other super foods and adaptogens in Sex Dust (like I love Schisandra so much). Per Moon Juice’s site, below is the magic insie Sex Dust.
- + Shatavari supports healthy hormonal balance and juiciness*
- + Wildcrafted Shilajit traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and libido booster*
- + Organic Epimedium aka “horny goat weed”, helps ignite desire and strengthen sensation*
- + Organic Schisandra known for its ability to increase blood flow and energy*
- + Organic Cacao stimulates endorphin release*
- + Organic Maca known to support mood, energy, and healthy sexual function*
I will say that Sex Dust is some strong shit. Meaning, it has a powerful flavor. It is best paired with coffee. Even though, the package says you can mix in tea or a smoothie, DO NOT. I repeat, do not! Only use 1/2 a teaspoon in coffee. And honestly, if you don’t need any sexual super powers, omit it.
Ceylon Cinnamon
Did you know the 2 highest antioxidant foods in the world are Cloves & Cinnamon? Now you do. Eat/drink them often.
So that is why we add cinnamon to our coffee + it tastes fab.
We want to add Ceylon Cinnamon to our coffee because the addition of cinnamon makes the antioxidant level of this drink go through the roof!
If you are not yet a cinnamon snob, then the cinnamon in your pantry right now probably isn’t Ceylon. It would be Cassia Cinnamon. Next time you buy cinnamon, go for Ceylon. I buy Dr. Fuhrman’s.
Ceylon has a sweeter taste, and it’s non-toxic. At high levels, cassia cinnamon is actually toxic and can cause crazy stuff like liver damage. So let’s toss it, and replace with a better cinnamon.
The reason we want good, high quality cinnamon because studies show it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects. Simply put, Ceylon cinnamon supports your immune health.
You have to know about this alternative sweeter, yet honestly I hate calling it “alternative” because that makes it sound like it’s artificial, but there is nothing fake or unhealthy about Erythritol.
Erythritol is made by mashing and fermenting the natural sugars found in certain fruits. It’s non-toxic, noncaloric, calorie-free and super similar to cane sugar, and doesn’t affect blood sugar or erode your teeth.
To me, it tastes just like sugar, but without any of the bad side effects.
This is why it’s the perfect addition to our Sexy Skinny Coffee, because it’s sexy to be healthy.
Hot Sexy Skinny Coffee
- 1 Cup Organic Coffee
- 2 Tsp Organic Inulin Powder
- 1/2 Tsp Sex Dust by Moon Juice
- 1/4 tsp Ceylon Cinnamon
- 1 Spoonful Erythritol
- 2 T Dairy-Free Creamer unsweetened
Brew coffee. Add Inulin & let dissolve. Add remaining powders, cinnamon, & erythritol; mix & dissolve. Add creamer! Cheers.