Are you experiencing anxiety, intense stress, or overwhelm? These calming, reassuring, and soothing affirmations are here to help you move through these difficult emotions, so you can get back to feeling good in the present moment. Your mind can be your most powerful ally, if you know how to use it for your immediate benefit. That’s what we’re here to help you do; just sit back, relax, and press play.
Flight Anxiety & Intense Stress Affirmations:
Right now, my body is just trying to protect me. I feel these sensations and symptoms because my body is preparing itself to fight or flee. It’s a natural response to stress, but nothing to be afraid of. I look around me now and I see that I am safe and secure. I’m not in harm’s way. There is no real danger or threat to my life even though it feels scary. I take a deep, slow breath in and exhale all the tension out. I am at ease. I am taking back control second by second. I feel better, calmer, and more relaxed. I am using my mind to calm my body now. I release worry and tension. I let go of everything that’s out of my control. I focus on my breath- steady, slow, dependable. I surrender and I feel so much better. Every deep inhalation brings my body back into balance. My nervous system is resetting itself now. I feel my heartbeat slowing down. My muscles are relaxing. My inhales are smooth, my exhales consistent and long. Everything is working out for me. I can handle things, and I can handle things later with a calm and clear mind. I am gaining composure. I thank my body for its efforts to protect and serve me- but it’s over now. I am back to neutral. I feel happy and calm. Tranquility wraps around me like a thick warm blanket. I am cozy, I am peaceful, I am calm. My mind is at rest and my heart is at ease.
Boost your affirmation practice with these complimentary episodes: