These affirmations were written to help individuals cope with the many challenges we are facing throughout each phase of the global pandemic. Think of this episode as a quick, daily pick-me-up that can boost your resilience and your mood. If you find this affirmation practice particularly helpful, share it with your loved ones!
Daily Covid Pandemic Positive Thinking Affirmations:
Every day, I choose to make the best of this situation. I focus on what is in my control, and instead of just counting down the days, I figure out how I will make my days count. I am grateful for this opportunity to live at a slower pace. To rest. To spend quality time with myself and my family. I am living in the present and I am embracing it fully. Because nothing lasts forever, and this will be over soon. I am choosing to focus my energy and attention on the good that will come out of this. I know that with everything in life comes, comes it’s polar opposite; therefore I know that amidst the bad, good always arises. In fact, I am really grateful for all of the GOOD in my life right now. Every day I focus on what I can control, I go with the flow, and I let go of the rest. Any anger or frustration that arises, I release it and I release it with love. I honor my feelings, but I don’t hold onto them. Bad moods and negativity won’t change anything. So I am positive and I am patient. I am gentle with myself and others. I am finding ways to stay connected. I am finding all sorts of ways to have fun, and I am making healthy choices every day. I am open to giving and receiving support. I am generous, I am encouraging, and I am optimistic. I am open to trying new things at home, to take full advantage of this quarantine. This is my time to relax, play, learn, grow, evolve, and chill. All is well in my world.
Boost your affirmation practice with these complimentary episodes: