Ever feel like you need to shake it all off and have a fresh start? These affirmations are for you when you need a full life kind of refresh. We don’t just detox our bodies around here; we detox our whole life, baby! From our food, to our timeline, to relationships, and thoughts… these detox your life affirmations are IT!
Press play above to listen to this episode on Affirmation Babe podcast, and as always, read & speak your affirmations below. Xo, Ashley
My sight is set on a full life detox. I am cleansing my mind, my body, and my life. Anything and everything that enters thy aura is being evaluated. I am getting rid of every thing that has been holding me back. I am releasing everything that has been weighing me down. I am taking a full inventory of my life. I know where I’m at, and I know the direction I am going.
I am replacing negative habits with positive & uplifting, healthy habits. I am WORTH this lifestyle upgrade. Taking the time to look after myself is exactly the kind of thing that I am in alignment with. I am in alignment with the person I have always wanted to be. My time to step up and BE THE PERSON I have always dreamed of is now.
Outside of my comfort zone is where I live. It feels good to be putting my desires into action. It feels good to be cleansing and detoxing my life.
I create peace in my body and my mind. I create peace in my home and my environments. I create peace in my relationships and friendships. Anything other than peace and purpose, is OUT.
In every area of my life, there is no more saying yes when I really want to say no. No more low vibe, toxic, bottom shelf bullshit will be had here.
My body? I am taking care of it. I find joy in living a healthy lifestyle. I plan to live a long time in this body, so taking care of it is a top priority. I fill my body with water and healthy beverages. I am choosing to eat nutrient dense foods that my future self thanks me for. My body and my mind are releasing the desire to want foods that aren’t good for me. I am making sleep, the foundation of my health, a priority. Each night, as sleep easily descends upon me, I release the day, I release the past, and I am comforted with the most gentle and restorative nights sleep. Each day this is becoming more and more natural. Wellness is a part of my lifestyle, not just something I put on and take off. I am finding that these habits are automatic, unconscious. Living in vibrant health is not only easy, but a part of my life that excites me.
I am taking care of my mind and the energy that I allow in. I am releasing every bit of negative vibration, low vibe thought, ick energy, and damaging words from my headspace. I am the guard to my mind. I am detoxing my timeline, my tv, and my messages. Anything that is harmful trigger, I am deleting from my awareness. I am releasing old reminders of the past that are no longer serving me. I am clearing out. I am I am liberated. Negative thoughts, toxic energy, low vibe people – they have no home here. The only thing that is takin up space in my head is peace, purpose, and passion.
I am detoxing my physical space. My surroundings are an indicator of my standards, and so, my space is a new reflection of the self image I have of myself. A clutter space equals a cluttered mind, and that is not welcome here. This is my year to clean it up, shape up – BE, DO, & HAVE everything I have dreamt for myself. I keep a peaceful and comforting home and space for myself to be in alignment with the person I am and the person I am becoming. I settle for nothing less.
I am clearing out relationships that no longer support the person I am. I release these relationships with love. I am grateful for what I learned and how I grew from these relationships, and I am looking forward to surrounding myself with people who match my energetic standard. I vibe with people who are committed to growth, who have a zest for life, and who expect more out of themselves and their life. I surround myself with people who are doing bigger things than me – to inspire me to continue to grow and stretch what I thought was possible.
People notice the positive changes I have made, and are inspired by my commitment to excellence. I am worthy of living a life that inspires others. I AM that person now.
My standards are sky high. My self image is pristine. I see myself clearly – I am the kind of person who keeps commitments to myself. I am the kind of person who shows up as my best self. I am the kind of person who is congruent with what I desire, what I say, and how I live.
Everything about my life is refreshed and renewed. THIS is the way to live. With a refreshed spirit. Inspired thoughts. A body that I love and I am kind to. A space and community that inspires me.
Detoxing is LIFE SUPPORT. I am crystal clear. I am cleansed. I am revived. I am rejuvenated. I am worthy of this kind of life.