Did you know that your thoughts have the ability to produce physiological reactions? The mind and body are inextricably connected, which is why we created an affirmation episode entirely devoted to releasing illness. The time is now to release all feelings of dis-ease and call in all feelings of health and vibrancy! Affirmations are a fabulous supplemental practice to your existing or prescribed health + wellness regimen.
Affirmations for Healing & Releasing Illness:
I am worthy of thriving health. I love myself, I approve of myself, and I forgive myself. I give myself permission to heal now. I let go of ALL things that affect my health negatively, and allow my illness to slowly melt away. It has run its course. It has taught me what it was here to teach me. I am ready to move on. All of the cells in my body are returning to a healthy, vibrant state. They are all supported by my positive lifestyle and my positive thinking. I am grateful for my body’s strength and energy. My body is my most trusted friend. I believe in its ability to regenerate and heal itself. It’s ready to return to its natural, healthy, balanced state. I am gentle and kind to myself in the process of healing. I love nourishing myself with healthy food, uplifting social interactions, time in nature, and self-love. Each day I am becoming healthier, happier, and more energized as I say YES to everything that is for my health, and NO to everything that does not contribute to my healthiest, happiest self. I choose to release my illness and any attachments I have to it. I am releasing any beliefs, traumas, thoughts, or conditions that contributed to my illness, allowing my body to return to its perfectly healed and whole state. My body is strong, healthy, and relaxed. Every cell in my body is well. Every day I am feeling healthier, more refreshed, and more full of life. I listen to what my body needs and I make my wellbeing a priority. I breathe in love and exhale hate. With every breath I exhale, I release my illness. I deserve to be happy and healthy. I love myself. I am enough. I am whole. I am complete. I am at ease. I am healed. Every cell in my body is happy and vibrant.
Boost your affirmation practice with these complimentary episodes: