I asked Alex to make a gift guide to show the dudes some love too. He picked some pretty cool stuff in my opinion. I added the trench coat and the bracelets because I am the one responsible for Alex’s style evolution, and I would dress him in these.
Alex is going to take it from here and tell you why each product is an excellent choice for the guy on your list.
◾️ Black Trench Coat Ash did a great job in choosing this trench coat. I’m a huge fan of layers. In fact, if you look at all the great guy-influencers, they’ve mastered the art of layering (and beard stubble). Even though it takes up a quarter of my suitcase, my plan in 2022 is to travel to as many chilly locations as possible and wear this.
◾️ Phone Battery I’ve sported the biggest-screen iPhone for the last 5 years and finally, in 2021, I’ve gone mini. Yep, I’m now carrying the tiniest iPhone that Apple makes. While my skinny jeans are happy, there is a small sacrifice in battery life which means if I’m traveling I like to bring this Anker MagSafe battery pack. It slaps onto the back on my phone either in my pocket or bag and keeps it charged without having to fumble with cables or bigger portable batteries..
◾️ Razor Lily has recently decided to tell everyone that enters our house that I am covered in “fur”. Keeping well groomed is an important part of my week. Primarily so Ashley is attracted to me, but also so Lily doesn’t say that I look like the gorillas when we watch Secrets of the Zoo on Disney Plus. I like the Philips OneBlade Pro for the adjustable blade height. It’s slim, great to travel with and cuts like a hot knife through butter.
◾️ Airtag & Wallet I haven’t always been a “misplacer.” However, we when moved to the beach, I began losing my wallet almost every week. I finally discovered an amazing combination of an AirTag + Wallet. Since then, I no longer lose my wallet… which kind of defeats the purpose of being able to find it with an AirTag. BUT… the assurance of knowing I’ll NEVER lose my wallet is a really good feeling. I’m a big fan of AirTags. Especially when traveling. I put them in my bags and anywhere I have something that would be critical to not be able to find.
◾️ Beanie Despite being in a relationship with a world renowned hairstylist, Ashley does not cut my hair. When we lived in Las Vegas, I had one of the greatest barbers in the country to give me a sick fade. Now, living at the beach, it’s been tough to find someone who can cut such a masterpiece. Beanies are my go-to to “hide the mop,” and also to convince people that although I drive a Tesla, I’m a little bit hipster. This beanie pack is stylish, comfortable and doesn’t look like you’re wearing an oversized sock.
◾️ Manta Sleep Mask I’ve been a masked sleeper for about 5 years now. When my brother visited us in Las Vegas last year, his fiancé told me that Ben takes the shirt he was wearing that day, throws it over his face and then lies down to go to sleep. I was so shocked I almost spilled my champagne. I immediately ordered him a Manta sleep mask and his life has been forever changed. I have about 4 of these things and despite it making complete sense to simply place the mask on my bedside table each morning when I wake up so it’s there the same evening… Somehow I have the masculine urge to misplace is several times a week and be visibly cranky each night because I can’t find it. Regardless, I really recommend sleep masks. You’ll fall asleep easier, stay asleep longer and wake up more refreshed.
◾️ Water Bottle Glass bottles are amazing, but can feel fragile; this one doesn’t. This bottle has been a favorite of mine for years. Also glass bottles are especially important when you add things like essential oils or Young Living Vitality Drops for flavor and nutrition (as plastic or metal can interact with the plant chemicals). You can’t go wrong with this bottle.
◾️ Beaded Bracelets I dig a bit of bling every now and then. Ashley gets all warm and fuzzy when I wear jewelry so I like to use is sparsely. As I get older, I’m learning to accessorize more intentionally. These bracelets are a great staple piece and I also like to pair them with my Apple Watch.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this round up. Let us know in the comments if you snagged any of these items.