When I found out I was pregnant with little Lily.. first, my heart swelled so much I thought it would freaking burst.. and then, my mind started RACING with questions. I read all the blogs, all the books, and still felt like there were so many things that just weren’t addressed. Mostly.. the not-so-pretty things. When it comes to pregnancy, many things are kept hush hush and behind closed doors. Which is SUCH a shame, because pregnancy is an experience that SO MANY women are blessed to go through, but do so feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and even alone at times. Pregnancy is the most natural, beautiful, magical thing and we deserve to feel prepared in every which way for it.
So I thought, for all the expecting mamas out there, I’d make my private life public. I’m on a mission to make the pregnancy experience more transparent, starting with THIS conversation. It’s real, it’s raw, and everything I wish I knew before having Lily. On episode 16 of the #adderallandgreenjuice podcast, I open up about my own pregnancy, giving birth, and post-partum journey.
We’ll go over:
*Jaw-dropping insights (like the fact that 1 in 8 women who take birth control post-partum stop producing breastmilk! and BTW- I was one of them!)
* Tangible tips, takeaways, and some of my favorite resources (like Zollipops during contractions)
* Information you would EXPECT to receive when you’re expecting…. but for some reason, don’t.
I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, hope that the insight I have to share will be of service to you!