Sick and tired of… reading the same advice on how not to be sick and tired? Here are 10 slightly-bizarre-but-super-effective health hacks that will keep your immune system ON POINT this winter.
Oh, and if this topic is your kind of thang, you’ll def want to jump over afterwards & check out My Fave Natural Products For Boosting Immune System.
Btw, there is always a natural way to feel amazing, and my hope is that you’ll take some of these unconventional remedies and use what works best into your life. Let me know what you have success with!
1.Intermittent fasting:
At any given time, your body is either detoxing or digesting. It cannot enter the detoxification state while it’s busy digesting food! That’s where intermittent fasting can help. The whole point is to give your body a digestion break so it can focus all of its energy on detoxing instead. There are many fasting methods, so find one that works with your style + schedule; and like with any new health regime, make sure to consult your doctor first.
2. Tongue Scraping
This is one hygiene practice that’s majorly underrated and needs to go mainstream ASAP! Here’s why. Even if you brush and floss twice a day, bacteria and toxins accumulate on the tongue over time. Scraping is the only way to ensure that these toxins aren’t reabsorbed into the body! It’s also been shown to lower the risk of developing strep and sore throats. You can find tongue scrapers on Amazon for under $10, THIS ONE is my fave.
3. Oregano Oil
A little bit of this herb goes a long way when it comes to boosting your immune system! Studies have shown that Oregano’s strong antioxidant properties protect against all kinds of wintery health challenges. When it comes to using the oil, put a few drops in a capsule and ingest daily. ONLY use a therapeutic grade oil. THIS STUFF IS INCREDIBLE. IT REALLY WORKS. (We use Young Living, and if you want some of the goods and to be apart of our private wellness community, message me on Instagram.)
4. Forest Bathing
Yes, it’s a THING and it has a new-age name. Whether or not you’re the “outdoorsy type,” and FYI.. I’M NOT.. we’re all human beings. We are creatures of Planet Earth, and that means that our bodies are inextricably connected to nature. Taking a walk in the woods, also known as “forest bathing,” is now being studied around the world for its host of health benefits on the human system. Researchers in Japan and Korea have found that regular forest bathers have an increased number of natural “killer cells,” which combat disease and help prevent some cancers. They believe this is due to breathing in more organic compounds called phytoncides that are released by trees! In the US, physicians are even beginning to prescribe time outdoors as part of the Parks Rx program. If you aren’t down to strap on the hiking boots, start with a stroll in your local park. Just make sure to bundle up first!
5. EFT Tapping
I said “slightly bizarre,” didn’t I? I’ll dive deeper into tapping in a separate blog post, but this is what you need to know. EFT- which stands for Emotional Freedom Technique- is an alternative treatment that uses acupressure points to balance your energy systems. It’s quick, painless, and you can do it on yourself! Youtube “Tapping for Immune System” and you’ll have plenty of demonstrations available for you to get started.
6. Sex
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better! Sex not only feels good, but it turns out, it’s actually good FOR you too. Studies found that people who have sex once or twice a week have boosted immune system functionality, thanks to a rise in antigen immunoglobulin A (one of the best defenses agaisnt colds and flu). Click HERE to check out my personal list of sexy time must-haves! And if you want to learn more positive the benefits of a healthy sex life.. there’s more where that came from! Click HERE for my blog post “3 Reasons to Have Mind Blowing Sex,” or click HERE to watch my interview with sex expert, Zoe Kors!
7. Vitamin D
It’s no coincidence that same time of year we get the least amount of sunlight is the same time of year we catch the most colds! Our bodies need regular sun exposure to get adequate levels of Vitamin D. When our Vitamin D levels are low, usually due to lack of sunlight in the fall and winter, we’re more susceptible to illnesses and have an impaired ability to fight off infections. Bottom line is, our immune systems need D! Always consult your doctor before starting any new supplements, but unless you chase summer around the world, chances are your doc will approve a vitamin D supplementation program.
8. Laughter
Laughing has a positive effect on the immune system by increasing antibodies, which help fight off disease, and activating your body’s T-cells (natural killer cells that destroy viruses and tumors). So whether you hit the comedy club with your friends on Friday night or spend 10 minutes watching funny cat videos on Youtube- remember this! A giggle each day keeps the doctor away.
9. Sound Healing
While this might sound like a modern woo-woo trend, sound healing is an ancient art that’s now being scientifically validated! There are different types of sound therapy- some that use singing bowls, some that use tuning forks and binaural beats. Whichever instrument you want to explore, they all have positive effects on your nervous system- from reducing your blood pressure to speeding up your recovery time, improving sleep, and lowering stress. I played binaural beats for Lily when she had a really bad cough and within minutes her cough subsided!
10. Stinky Foods
I’m talking real stinky. Raw garlic. Raw onion. Stinky. Your breath will be kickin for a minute, but that’s nothing toothpaste, mouthwash, and your new tongue scraper can’t handle! And here’s why it’s worth it. For starters, garlic and onions both have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Furthermore, according to the American Institute of Cancer Research, the phytochemicals found in garlic and onions not only improve immune health, but may also prevent inflammation and cancer!