1. Stop hanging out with people who suck the life out of you.
Get the people who bring you down and have nothing good to bring to the table out of your life. What kind of people bring you down? – People with victim mindset, people who only talk about the past, people who always talk bad about others, people who talk negatively about themselves, people who constantly live in a state of judgement, etc.
If you leave someone’s presence feeling sad, depressed, worried, or basically worse than you did before seeing them, stop being around them. It doesn’t matter if you’ve known someone 20 years; this is the year to cut the relationship off if it’s not a positive one.
Your time is LIMITED and acting like you’ll live forever and that you have time for everyone (including people who make you feel like shit or that you simply don’t vibe with anymore) is ludicrous.
2. Stop running away from things that are hard – aka your problems.
This is the year to face your issues. Running from your problems forever is insanity. You are meant to learn and grow from your challenges. They will never go away if you don’t move THROUGH them. Pretending like they will disappear is delusion and ultimately takes away from your life’s joy.
(1) Write out the things you don’t like about your current situation, and how you have been showing up. Be brutally honest with yourself otherwise this is pointless. Here are some thoughts/questions to get your mind churning:
Are u a perfectionist? Do u procrastinate like crazy? Are you judgmental toward others? What patterns do you keep experiencing over and over again? Are you in a cycle of spending more money than you make? Are you at a never ending plateau with your life & biz? What are the relationships like in your life? Do you find yourself complaining a lot? How do you speak to yourself? Do you say nice things or negative things about people behind their back? How is your health? Are you energized or running on empty most of the day? How proud do you feel about your life and choices? Do you keep commitments to yourself?
(2) After you write out the things you don’t like, then make an opposites list; what would have to happen in order to see improvement in those areas of concern? What would you have to do? Who would you have to become in order for your problems to be released. What is one thing you could change in each area to make improvement?
3. Stop being afraid to live.
As bob proctor always said, Most people are so afraid of dying that they tiptoe their way through life, hoping they make it safely to death.” Are you tiptoeing, or are you really living? At the end of your life what are you going to think about how you lived? Are you going to think back and wish you experienced more? Will you wish you took that chance back in 2023?! I hope you look back with amazement and pride of all the opportunities you said yes to, and that you lived an abundant life full of rich experiences.
Stop being afraid to LIVE, and stop tiptoeing to death.
Let’s have an incredible year. Cheers to YOU,
PS – I think you”d enjoy this New Years Energy affirmation, and this powerful post to reset your day / year no matter if it’s January or not. ✨