Rounding out week 15! Oh my goodness, I cannot believe I’m already well into the second trimester. She’s such a cute lil orange! I just want to squeeze her!
You know what’s interesting? Well, of course I never thought I would be pregnant, but I if I ever imagined being pregnant, I imagined my life as a pregnant women being a total disaster. I surely thought that I would despise the feeling of carrying around a belly, I thought I would be craving the worst junk food, be the fattest pregnant woman on the planet, and all around just be a miserable pregnant person. It turns out that I am completely the opposite of what I thought I would be!
I actually love being pregnant!
Years back, one of my friends was saying how she adored being pregnant and she felt like being pregnant was her time as a woman to relax and really take care of herself. Now I completely understand what she was meaning. Pregnancy is the time to slowly transition into motherhood, so these 40 weeks are to our advantage! Although I cannot wait to meet my little girl, I know that life will get much more difficult once I am caring for a newborn. Every stage of having a child, I am sure, comes with great rewards, but I am taking this time to enjoy its simplicity and embracing that my body has my baby under control.
On another note, I feel like I want to talk to every pregnant woman I see! I feel like we (the pregnant people) have this unspoken bond, lol! For some reason it’s so fun to ask women how far along they are and chat about maternity fashion (which I am in desperate need of)!
By the way, Shane is expecting a lil orange too! haha 🙂
Next week there are a lot of changes in the baby! I was reading about week 16, and she will really start to look like a real life baby this coming week! I should also start feeling many more movements…woohoo!