I have to make this short and sweet today. Mama tired and I’m in major nesting mode.
Week 27! The ‘lil tot is the size of a Spaghetti Squash! My tummy is noticeably bigger this week. Goodness!
The baby can recognize the mother’s voice this week. I talk to my girl on the daily and I’m hoping my voice will calm her when she arrives.
Also this week the baby’s taste buds are developing so she can taste strong flavors in the amniotic fluid like garlic, curry, or spicy foods.
On Week 28 she was the size of an Acorn Squash! This week she started blinking and weighs 2 & 1/4 pounds!
Week 29! A small cabbage! Almost 3 pounds the “lil tot is! She is pretty close to birth length now, but she will double or even triple her weight by the time 40 weeks arrives.
I cannot believe I’m at 30 Weeks!! Crazy Crazy… Nesting is definitely starting to kick into high gear.