This one is for my creatives out there who need to get their creative juices flowing again. Back in the day, I wrote something similar in my How To Find Your Spark Again post. ????????
I’m sitting at my gf Katie Saada’s house writing this, who is so awesome btw, you will love her. We were just talking about how we both had been in a creative slump and now our creative juices are flowing like champagne again! (FYI We are both sitting next to each other typing away and being super annoyed at how loud our nails are on the keyboard. ????) She is updating her new and insanely popular instagam program Instacrush, and I’m over here eating a vegan choc chip cookie and trying to figure out why I didn’t buy a few more (bc these are tiny and they don’t count as one whole cookie).
I want to get your creative juices flowing like champagne!
Do you ever just get in a funk and you feel like your whole life is blah? I had a few moments like this last year, and I had to snap myself out of it. (It’s really all a mindset shift)
When I get in a funk, I can’t think of ANYTHING to share and I feel like NOTHING WILL EVER COME TO ME AGAIN! ???? I mean, it’s not true, but I feel like in the moment the creative block will never go away.
As a creative you strive on CREATING, so when you can’t, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and it actually can be a scary feeling. We love the way we feel when we create. It gives us energy and purpose.
Here’s the thing gf, you are not alone!
We all go through times of burn out, feelings of overwhelm, and dare I say, maybe even days when you just want to hide in bed (like waaaay under the covers with soft fuzzy blankets and eating cookies in secrecy…not that I’ve ever done that. ????)
Here’s the thing, all of that is okay, but what isn’t ok is feeling sorry for yourself and staying stuck too long. You have to figure out why you’re feeling this way, and figure out how to replenish your spirit.
I’ve put together a list of why we may feel like this and what we can do to get those creative juices flowing again!
These Are Some Reasons You May Feel Blocked:
- You aren’t taking care of yourself.
- Your self care game is slacking.
- You aren’t getting enough sleep.
- You’re taking on too many projects at once.
- You are not really passionate about what you are trying to do.
- You are exhausted throughout the day, unable to get everything done.
- You aren’t outsourcing and are getting caught up in the mundane tasks.
- You aren’t having enough FUN!
- You’re be eating like crap or drinking too much (that shit dulls your vibe) I enjoy some ???? but not enough to  dampen my work flow.
How To Get In The Flow Again:
- Keep ALL your lists handy. Anytime you have a creative idea, write it down immediately. I makes notes all the time in my Notes app, in a mini notebook, and in Asana. You WILL forget these ideas if you don’t write them down. Take a moment to jot a note so it can jog your memory later.
- Make progress achievable! Momentum creates momentum so when you make “winning” achievable for yourself, your brain gets “tricked” into making progress, which triggers the release of dopamine. Dopamine is our “feel good” hormone and when we get a taste of it, we want more! My best advice is to focus in on 3 things to get done that day and NOTHING ELSE. When you get them done, reward yourself, bathe in the sense of accomplishment and get ready to take it to another level.
- Write a list of everything that makes you happy right now. Check off the things that you are actually doing right now and the ones that you aren’t, think of ways you can incorporate them into your daily or weekly life. It’s really important to always do things that make you truly happy. The little things make a difference.
- Surround yourself ONLY with other productive and high quality, creative people! Join a mastermind, have a weekly call with a colleague, do something that gets you talking and inspired to other people!
- Start a self-care routine and stick to it.
- Make sure you are doing something every single day that’s just for you.
- Get moving! Your body is craving movement. Every morning, get up and move your body… even if it’s stretching. You WILL be more productive when your body gets some sort of exercise.
- Speaking of exercise/movement. Get a REBOUNDER! I rebound 2 mins every morning and it’s such a game changer! It is great for your lymphatic system and it will boost your productivity! Promise…try it!
- Don’t take on too much – one idea at a time you will have time to complete them all but REMEMBER NOT ALL AT ONCE.
- Create boundaries! Work on learning to say NO. When you are true to yourself and value yourself enough to say NO, you will see massive change in the way you feel.
- If you aren’t passionate about what you are doing change it, you can always change your niche you are not stuck there.
- Try the 5 Hour Rule used by Bill Gates and Elon Musk. Another game changer.
- Realize when it’s time to get a Virtual Assistant (VA)! You can’t do everything yourself.

Tell me some of your ways to get back into the flow!